What are the requirements for meeting Tetanus/Tdap vaccinations?This will depend on the facility but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guideline is:  Regardless if a healthcare personnel (HCP) is due for a Tetanus shot they should get a Tdap vaccination.The Tdap, like the Tetanus Vaccine, currently protects the individual from tetanus for 10 years. Pertussis and diphtheria are thought to be a lifetime vaccination under current standards. To meet current requirements, HCPs must show they have had a Tdap (it must be the Tdap and not a combination of shots). Further, 10 years after the date of the Tdap vaccination, the HCP is required to have a Tetanus vaccination. An HCP must get a Td or Tdap booster every 10 years to remain compliant. For your convenience, you may purchase a MinuteClinicTM Tdap vaccination directly through SEC3URE: Select the My Subscriptions tile. Under SEC3URE Add-Ons look for Immunization Services and then select the Purchase button. On the Add Service page, scroll down and then select Tdap Vaccination to Add to Cart.     Once purchased, look for the Print Voucher button under Immunization Services, and then go visit a convenient MinuteClinic location within 90 days.     Your SEC3URE profile is updated automatically once you receive the Tdap Vaccinations at any of the 1,110+ MinuteClinics throughout the United States (please allow 1-2 business days).
Select the Credentials tile. Look for the outstanding Tdap credential requirement, expand it, and then select the Purchase button. On the Add Service page, scroll down and then select the Tdap to Add to Cart.     Once purchased, look for the Print Voucher button under Immunization Services, and then go visit a convenient MinuteClinic location within 90 days.     Your SEC3URE profile is updated automatically once you receive the Tdap Vaccinations at any of the 1,110+ MinuteClinics throughout the United States (please allow 1-2 business days).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provides guidelines for the Td booster vaccine:   ... Td protects against tetanus and diphtheria, but not pertussis. A Td booster should be given every 10 years. Tdap may be given as one of these boosters if you have never gotten Tdap before. |