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I have an old medical record. Can you accept those? If so, what does it need to be accepted?

Many vaccinations such as MMR, Chicken Pox, and Hep B, are given as children, so medical records can be several years old. Here are some tips that will increase the likelihood of their acceptance:
  • Make sure your name is legible. If the document indicates a different name such as a nickname or maiden name, be sure to give us a call so we can verify the name change. We will need to complete this step before we can accept the document.
  • The information on the document must be medically verified with a legible physicians signature; including title. The document must also be on physician letterhead or include a clinic stamp.
  • Vaccinations must be clearly labeled and include the date(s) of administration. Titer results must be indicated along with the range and, if the credential allows, a documented history of the disease must include the date.
  • School records are accepted if the document includes the name of school/district AND is signed by a medical professional.
  • We do not accept self or third-party attestations of disease or immunization.

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